A downloadable project

This is a template for a portfolio website. It keeps text minimal and draws attention to the media more.

The layout has ample spacing, and uses strong colors with a sharp font to leave a lasting impression.

Works on mobile as well as desktop.

Live Demo: can be found here

Credits for all the media used in the demo: can be found here

This is a nextjs based website, so you would have to choose a hosting provider who supports nextjs builds, or one that can support nodejs. Vercel, digitalocean, netlify, and kinsta are some options.

This template is optimised for static builds as well. Just uncomment the build configuration in next.config.mjs and you can build a static version.

If you're having issues with building or hosting let me know and I'll help out as much as I can.

How to customise the template:

  • Colors - There are three main theme colors. One of those can be set inside app/globals.css and the remaining two can be set inside the tailwind.config.js file
  • Images - Set images from inside app/imagesdata.json and save the actual files in the public/2/ folder. Social media icons go in the public/logos/ folder.
  • Text - set text for "your name" and the contact section from app/page.js, and set text for commissions section and works section from app/imagesdata.js
  • SEO - set SEO metadata such as title and description from app/layout.js
  • don't forget to replace app/favicon.ico with your logo
  • I've left comments in all the places where you can edit details in. Those should make things easy to find.

If you're stuck anywhere or finding it hard to customise your template, reach out to me and I'll help you set it up.

Other templates: can be found here

Colors used in the screenshots

change color one and color two in tailwind.config.js

Colors showncolor one valuecolor two value
red and blackrgb(170, 7, 7)rgb(20, 20, 20)
green and greyrgb(90, 130,90)rgb(55, 55, 55)
blue? and navy?rgb(74, 78, 105)rgb(20, 33, 61)

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